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We inspire mountaineering communities to regenerate social and ecological systems

Why we are here

Our mission is to facilitate positive interactions between mountain communities, natural environment and mountain sports outdoor companies, expedition agencies, mountain researchers and practitioners.


What we do

We contribute towards the sustainable development, as well as the environmental protection and regeneration of the mountainous regions, by facilitating positive interactions between mountain communities and visitors (mountain sports outdoor companies, expedition agencies, mountain researchers and practitioners).


Waste Management Manual

Mountain Synergies is currently finalizing the Manual on Waste Management for Sustainable Mountaineering Expeditions. Get ready to access it by the next weeks!

We are now working on a Chinese and French version.


Sustainable Mountaineering

Mountain Synergies supports alpinists and expedition agencies reducing their environmental impact and helping regenerate local economies.

We offer free tailor-made worshops/atelier to make your  "green" & social engagement meaningful.

Sharing Knowledge

Mountain Synergies intends to act as a knowledge sharing platform, collecting and disseminating best practices from around the world when it comes to outdoor activities in the mountains. Our focus areas are awareness and education, waste management, ethical and sustainable mountaineering.

About Us

We are a non-profit organisation, dedicated and committed people, who would like to change the approach of "using" mountain regions by fostering a positive relationship between the local communities living there and outside visitors (tourists, researchers).  

Mountain Waste Gallery

There is value in waste when it is not lying out in the nature. It is a resource that can be recycled, bringing economic benefits to locals.  It can have also an artistic value, as artist Florian Wolgangsson shows us below. 


Have you interesting pictures of waste in the mountains to share ? Contact Us

Otherwise, avoid creating more waste, reduce it, reuse it or event upcycle it whenever possible.

 Everything starts home, before the expedition in the mountains, with a good planning!

For ideas and inspiration check out our Waste Management Manual!

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